• Wine.
    Beyond: objects,
    and photography

Photographic exhibition “Wine. Beyond: objects, landscape, portrait and photography”

Curated by: Luca Panaro

Photographs by: Giacomo Alberico, Kasey Baker, Nicola Biagetti, Xuhang Chen, Cecilia Del Gatto, Lisa Dollhopf, Stefanie Dollhopf, Alessandra Draghi, Jorge Garrido, Greta Grasso, Cesare Lopopolo, Zheng Ma, Paolo Munari Mandelli, Orecchie d’Asino, Bartolomeo Rossi, Lara Sapper, Pumipat Usapratumban, Anna Vezzosi, Marina Villanueva, Yu-Shan Sammi Wei

November, 24th – December, 1st 2023
Ex Ateneo di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Bergamo (Italy)

The photographic exhibition brings together a selection of the works of the 20 authors from the 4 international schools of photography who participated in the project "Wine. Beyond": Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera in Milan, F/16 in Berlin, FMAV in Modena and SVA – School of Visual Arts in New York

The exhibition allows you to appreciate the different stylistic approaches of the various training institutes but above all the creativity of the students of various nationalities involved. The students of the 4 schools involved from year to year, each worked on a different macro theme: objects, landscape, portrait, photography, and were invited to interpret the given theme in an original way, in the desire to go "beyond" traditional iconography.
There are those who have done it by answering a technological call, riding the potential offered by digital. Those who instead used traditional equipment, interpreted the change within photography as something more subtle. In both cases we notice colors and shapes altered from reality, close-up shots that tend towards abstraction.

Exhibition view: Giacomo Bissi